9 cold weather motorcycle gear tips to help you stay warm
Posted: January 28, 2021
As winter descends, many motorcycle riders park their bikes until spring. Two factors often keep riders cabin-bound this time of the year: weather-related road hazards, and the fact that getting cold while riding isn’t very enjoyable. But with the right gear, you can comfortably discover the thrill and natural beauty of winter motorcycle riding. Plan your next cold-weather ride following these nine tips: 1. Choose...
How to change your motorcycle oil
Posted: January 27, 2021
The motor is the heart of your motorcycle, and motor oil is its lifeblood. Oil lubricates your bike’s internal parts and carries away combustion contaminants to be cleaned and collected by the oil filter. Through this process, oil flow also helps cool internal parts, like camshafts and stators—some motorcycles even use oil as a primary coolant. The motor is also the single most expensive system...
Taking Care of Yourself: Health Tips for People Under 30
Posted: January 25, 2021
The sooner you start healthy lifestyle habits, the better your overall health results are likely to be. In your 20s, it's easy to take your faster metabolism and higher energy levels for granted, as well as put fitness on the back burner. But early adulthood is the time to start developing healthy routines, as it can have a significant effect on how well we age. ...
How Many Life Insurance Policies Can I Have?
Posted: January 22, 2021
There is no set limit to how many life insurance policies you can purchase. You can buy multiple policies from different insurance companies, but insurers may start asking questions if your coverage reaches a point that greatly exceeds your income. Can It Cause Problems to Buy More Than One Life Insurance Policy? You can have more than one life insurance policy, and there is no...
A Brief History Of Medicare
Posted: January 21, 2021
Americans began receiving Medicare benefits after 1965, when President Lyndon Johnson signed the legislation into law. But the cause actually started with Teddy Roosevelt, who ran for president in 1912 on a platform that included national health insurance. The following is a brief sketch of Medicare events after President Roosevelt. November 19, 1945: President Harry Truman asked Congress to create a national health insurance fund,...