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Insurance Blog

How to replace your motorcycle’s headlight

How to replace your motorcycle’s headlight

Your motorcycle headlight is an essential component that helps you stay safe on the road. If you’re interested in doing your own maintenance, you may wonder if you can replace your headlights yourself. The answer is yes—and replacing your headlight is probably easier than you think. Plus, you’ll save money on labor. Follow this guide to learn how. Don't skip the motorcycle maintenance safety prep...

How to Prepare Your Car for Spring

How to Prepare Your Car for Spring

Spring is upon us, and the time is here to get your car ready for warmer weather and more driving. Harsh winters can take a toll on a vehicle. Essential maintenance now can help prevent major, expensive problems from developing when your time on the road increases in the warmer months. The following tips can help save you time and money in the future. Wash...

What Benefits Should I Offer My Employees?

What Benefits Should I Offer My Employees?

Employee benefits will cost your business. There is no avoiding that, but the pros outweigh the cons. Advantages of offering benefits include better recruitment and retention, greater wellness and productivity, tax advantages, and a more positive company culture. Developing a benefits package represents a leap in the growth of your company. A major step in the process is deciding what benefits to offer. What Are...

Is My Diet Balanced Enough?

Is My Diet Balanced Enough?

It has been said that we are what we eat. Nutrition plays an important role in optimal health, and a healthy, balanced diet is essential to good nutrition. How do you know if your diet is well balanced? You need to be eating a variety of foods from the five main food groups. What Are the Five Food Groups? If you take care to consume...

Preparing for winter motorcycle riding hazards

Preparing for winter motorcycle riding hazards

For avid motorcycle riders whose bikes sit idle for months, winter can be frustrating. Even after three ride-filled seasons, the cold winter can seem to last forever. But it doesn’t have to be that way. More and more riders are discovering that winter can be another time to ride. But like the other seasons, winter riding has a unique set of risks you need to...